Art and Poetry

My friend Sherry Sheehan, once purchased a drawing of mine… one based on my painting ‘Gaia Rising’. The drawing she chose is one of a series of charcoal, carbon and bistre ink drawings I did, using the art materials (including paper)I made from the carcass of a magnificent valley oak tree. Recently, she sent me her poetic response to the drawing. I thought it would be wonderful to post it here, along with the drawing. The original painting is on my website http//

Sherry Sheehan’s link is


by Sherry Sheehan
after Jody Mattison’s Nude ‘03image0021

Flat under glass,
arms stretched
way back,
firm, sculpted torso
just below
two perfect breasts
sketched in charcoal,
she’s posed and here

to show the way
I like to sleep,
a bullet shot
into the black
past ghosts, past fear,
aimed into sky,
all muscles slack,
nowhere to steer.

This nude and I
were swathed
in dreams,
but I arise
while she still rides
her boat, flecked oak,
black framed and hung
by bathroom mirror.

No longer young,
not yet awake,
nor quite in gear,
I splash my face
that’s all too near
this archetype.
I look a fright.
Youth has no peer.

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