I thought I would share my demos and artworks created during a typical week in my classes and open studios…. Rough and unfinished!
Monday afternoon at Lafayette Studio, Chasing Nicolaides…. Modelled drawing in ink.
Tuesday afternoon at Civic Arts, Painting the Still Life in Color and Light… Grisaille underpainting in chalk pastel
Tuesday afternoon again, same still life in an oil underpainting
Tuesday night, Figure Open Studio at Lafayette Studio… One hour oil portrait
Thursday morning at Civic Arts, Still Life Painting Like the Old Masters…. Burnt umber underpainting in acrylic
Friday morning at Civic Arts… Figure Drawing drapery demo
Friday afternoon, Figure Drawing Open Studio… One hour pose, gestural figure on BFK in acrylic and chalk pastel
Friday afternoon, Figure Open Studio (same day)… gestural sketch in acrylic on BFK paper
Friday afternoon, same day… finished figure gesture in acrylic and pastel
Saturday morning at Civic Arts, Portrait and Figure Drawing and Painting… portrait demo in vine charcoal on newsprint
Sunday afternoon Open Figure Studio at Lafayette Studio… Four hour figure painting in oil
Close-up of same painting
Busy week!